What I’m watching/reading: Mozart in the City. Some of it is a bit predictable, but it’s got a lot of heart…and it’s about the freakin’ NY City Philharmonic! I mean who does stories about being in an orchestra??? Plus…Wallace Shawn! It’s inconceivably good!

Recently excited by: Seth’s Godin’s interview on his rules, principles, and obsessions for life. It’s thoughtful, entertaining, and maybe life-changing.

Weekly bits: Just read David Foster Wallace’s commencement speech on Life and Work. Another life changer.

Quote o’ the week: …the world we were born into will never be the same as the world we die in. -Welcome to Night Vale

Song o’ the week: Bibo no Aozora By Ryuichi Sakamoto. This is a sparse version compared to the original, but the simplicity gives it an achingly soulful depth.

And as a bonus, a cover of a song that sampled Bibo no Aozora

weekly tidbits 3/6/16
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